
用英语学法语之 法语中faire的用法

专题: 读书
作者:羊生生和卜猫 时间:2021-05-03 18:34:36  阅读:321   网上投稿

The construction faire + infinitive means to have something done by someone. The causative faire can be in any tense, but it must be followed by an infinitive.
Examples with nouns and pronouns as direct and indirect objects:
Madame Smith fait travailler ses élèves dans la classe de français. Mrs. Smith makes her students work in French class.
In this example, the direct object is the noun élèves and it is placed right after the infinitive.

Madame Smith les fait travailler dans la classe de français. Mrs. Smith makes them work ( has them work) in French class.
In this example, the direct object is the pronoun les, referring to les élèves. It is placed in front of the verb from of faire, where it logically belongs.

Madame Smith fait lire la phrase. Mrs. Smith is having the sentence read. OR Mrs. Smith has the sentence read.
In this example, the direct object is the noun phrase and it is placed right after the infinitive, as in the first example.

Madame Smith la fait lire. Mrs. Smith is having it read.
In this example, the direct object is the pronoun la, referring to la phrase. It is placed in front of the verb form of faire, where it logically belongs. This is like the second example, but here the direct object is a thing. In the other two examples, the direct object is a person.
